Over the last two decades I have worked as a Project/Program/Production Manager/Director & as a Head of Technology/Studio. I shaped & ran the technical & product roadmaps for the marketing, web & finance functions of a global academic publisher. Overhauled the GDPR/PCI & compliance program, ran the graduate training program, lead the capital investment portfolio for OTT & headed up a technical & creative innovation studio focused on spatial (AR/VR/AI etc.) customer engegment for a major European broadcaster.
Between 2015 & 2023 I worked at Sky. Initially joining the office of the CTO as a Project Manager working on the group wide GDPR/PCI compliance project & the technology securtity roadmap before moving to the OTT streaming directorate running the captial investment portfolio & project office before becoming the Programe Director for the Sky Spain product launch. In 2018 I became the Head of Delivery for the newly formed VR studio before becoming the Head of Immersive Technology/Studio & launching the Sky Worlds VR product in 2020.
Head of Sky Immersive Studio owning the design, development & launch of the Sky Worlds VR product, focused on augmented live sports viewing (Premier League, ECB Cricket, Extreme-E racing & Vitality Netball), Sky Original Films & Boxest & Sky Sport Linear channel. The role also covered production support for various VR experences (Hold the World, Eleven Eleven, Curfew) & innovation research into how multi-device ecosystems & featurisation can be created. Research and Proof of Concept work on how to convert live event data for game engine 3D visualisation.
Program Director for the Sky Spain product, responsable for the technical requirements gathering & feature definition. Backend platform & multi-device application prioritisation & developlement. Working with teams in Sky IT & DE to enable core authentication capabilty and depricate legacy platforms as a result of building the new Spain capability on the group streaming platform. Evolving the company operation model to support multi-teritory products from the UK and the marketing customer acquisition strategy post product launch.
Portfolio Manager for Sky's annual OTT capital investment roadmap. Management of the group OTT BA/PM team, responsable for delivering major enhancements to the streaming platform & frontend clients for Sky GO, NOWTV & Sky Kids. Budget & prioritisation management & quartely C-Suite reporting. The work also included exploration into new opportunities, including technical partnerships & possible product joint ventures.
Project Manager for the office of the CTO responsable for delivering the groups GDPR and PCI compliance soultions & managing the groups technology secuirty roadmap which included corporate network monitoring and firewall deployment as well as adhock technology initatives that sat outside individual areas spanning multiple directorates that the office of the CTO took ownership of.
Managment of the companies technology graduate program, including intake assessment, two year mentorship & management and final role placement.
Between 2007 & 2015 I worked as a Project/Progam Manager focusing on building & delivering the companys Marketing/Web & Finances roadmaps, coving both technical & product elements. The role also included management of a small PM team & responsablity for the group technology planning & budgeting cycle with development of a bespoke software tool to support the organisation in this effort
Project Manager for the global webside development with time split between the US & UK. Management of a small team of developers based in India, China, US & UK delivering an ATG (Oracle) based product. Chair Person of the global website steering committee that ran & prioritised the work across the three core imprints that used the website (SAGE UK, SAGE US & CORWIN PRESS)
Project Manager, conciving & managing the group finance technology roadmap focused on upgrading & maintaining the finance systems & building shared features & increasing efficiencies & consolidation between the US & UK finance teams moving towards single operating practices. Chair Person of the global steering committee rersponsable for the investment & operational change supporting the roadmap,
Between 2000 & 2007 I worked as a Group Analyst & Project Manager responsable for delivering several centralisation projects following the merger with the larger Imprint Group across finance, HR, consulting & marketing functions. A siginficant amount of time was spent on CRM and ERP systems as well as network architecture & overseas office fitouts (NY & Dublin). Work also included setting up the companys DR process & defining the Shared Service Center as the goup moved towards a centralised support function.